
Hot Sales Dongfeng 5000liters to 7000liters Fecal Suction Truck

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by , 09.07.2021 at 03:23 (11768 Hit)
Hot Sales Dongfeng 5000Liters to 7000Liters Fecal Suction Truck

Suction Truck also called China fecal suction truck, Dongfeng fecal suction truck, fecal suction truck, Septic tank truck, Septic Tanker, Sewage water suction truck, vacuum suction truck, wastewater suction truckis used to collect, transport and discharge dirty water , sludge , septic , etc . such liquid stuff , It is suitable for cleaning the septic tank , cesspit , cesspool , gully , etc . It is widely used in environment and sanitation field .

Truck Datesheet:
Item unit parameter
Vehicle model CLW5081GXW Fecal Suction Truck
Chassis model EQ1081TJA
Overall dimensions mm 5970×2140×2550
Fact cubage L 4000-5000
GVW kg Appro×7800
Rated loading capacity Appro×2980
Mass in working order Appro×4625
Body internal dimensions mm 3080×1700×1050
Wheel base 3100
F/R track base 1750/1586
Approach/departure angle ° 18/14
Exhaust/hp ml/kw 3856/88
Max speed km/h 90
Tire specification 7.00-16,7.50-16 Engine type CY4102BZLQ
Traction system 4×2 transmission 5-speed with over drive
Number of axles 2 Electric system 24v
Operation control system Electrically hydraulic control Allowable passengers in cab 3
Equipment Equipped with vacuum pump(rating rotate speed=1400r/m,min rotate speed>800r/m, max suction lift>6m, vacuum>500mmHg, clockwise)
Equipped with power take off, transmission shaft,fecal tank, pipe network, fecal pipe for observing and cleanout equipment
Time for full sucktion<5min
Engine ChaoYang,diesel engine
Production cycle 6-7 days

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