- Materialise SimPlant Master Crystal v13.0
- Materialise Mimics v25
- Marcam Engineering AutoFab RnD 1.9
- Maptek vulcan 2022 x64
- Maptek vulcan 2022 Trimble RealWorks 12
- MagneForce 5.1 Etap PowerStation 21
- Maat Hydro Rev 9.0
- MVTEC.halcon v22
- MOSEK Optimization Suite 9.3.7
- Logplot 8 Revision 2021.6.2
- Lisrel 10..3.3.26
- Lighttools v2022 VPI v11.1
- Lighttools v2022 VMGSim.V10
- Lightouse studio 9.8.1 x64
- Leica XPro v6.4.7 x64
- Leica XPro v6.4.7 REFLEXW 10
- Leica Infinity v4.0.2 Esko ArtiosCAD 22
- Leica HxMap v4.2.0
- Leica Cyclone v2023 PIPE-FLO Pro v18.1
- Leica Cyclone 2023
- LedaFlow 2.6.260
- Leapfrog Geo v2022
- Leapfrog Geo v2021.2
- Ldra testbed v9.0 PerGeos v2022
- Lattice Diamond 3.11
- Landmark5000.17.2 PIPESIM 2022
- Landmark dsg 10.5
- Lambda TracePro Expert 20.5
- Lakes CALRoads View 6.5
- LFM.Server v5.3.0 Roxar RMS v2022
- LFM SERVER v5.1 petromod v2020
- Larsa 4d 8.00
- Kappa Workstation v5.4
- JewelSuite v2019.4
- JewelSuite 2019.4 vpi transmission maker 11
- Jstamp 2020
- JMAG-Designer v21 x64
- Itasca UDEC v7.00.50 x64
- Itasca Griddle v2.0
- Itasca FLAC3D 7.00.142
- Iqstar 1.2
- Invivo v6
- Interoctive Petrophysics 5.0
- Intergraph GT STRUDL 2016 v35.0
- Intergraph ERDAS Extensions 2018 for ArcGIS 10.6
- IntelliSuite 8.8 IPM.Petroleum.Expert 12
- Insight Numerics inFlux 1.47
- Insight Numerics Detect3D 2.5
- Insight Earth v3.5 x64
- Inpho UASMaster v13 x64
- Inpho Photogrammetry v13 Win64
- Innovyze Xpswmm 2020.1
- Innovyze InfoWorks ICM 2021.1 x64
- Inescop Sole3D 3.0 For Rhino 5.x x64
- Ivcad 3.7
- IPM.Petroleum.Expert.v12
- IPM v12 Inpho UASMaster v13
- IMST Empire XPU v8.03 SES CDEGS 17
- IHS smt 2022
- IHS SubPUMP 2021 discovery v2019.1
- Ihs que$tor 2022 q3
- IHS Petra 2021 v3.15.2
- IHS Harmony v2021 meyer v2019
- ICAMPost v22
- Hypermill 2021
- Hydromantis GPS-X v8.0.1
- HydroStar 7.3 Datamine.Discover 21
- HydroComp NavCad 2021
- Hspip 5.1.03
- Hexagon SMIRT 2021.0 x64
- Hexagon NCSIMUL 2022
- Hampson Russell HRS v13 PSSE 34
- HRS Strata 13
- Gxplorer v2022
- Gxplorer v2022 Inpho Photogrammetry v13
- Grlweap2010
- Greenmountain MESA16.3.5
- Green Hills MULTI 7.1.4 with Compiler 2015.1.6
- GravoStyle v8
- Graserware Suite Pack 3.5.2
- Graphexpert Professional 1.5.6
- Geosoftware jason 12.0
- Geosoft.Oasis.Montaj.v9.1
- Geoplat Ai 21
- Geohecras 3.1
- Geographix GeoGraphix discovery v2019.4
- Geochemist Workbench v11.0.8
- GeoTeric SVI 2022
- GeoSoftware HRS 13.0
- GeoSLAM hub 6.0.2 Paramarine v6.1
- GeoSLAM Draw 2.0 R2 x64
- GeoModeller v4.09
- Geneious Prime v2021.2.2
- Gemcom Surpac v2023
- Gemcom MineSched v2022
- Gasturb 13
- Gamma Technologies GT SUITE 2020
- Gagetrak
- GOHFER v9.3 Neuralog v2020.01
- GLOBE Claritas 6.6 GEOVIA GEMS 6.8.1
- GH Bladed v4.8 tNavigator 2022.4
- Geosystems imagine uav 1.7
- GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2022.1 v11.4.2.250
- GEO5 v2022
- GE.GateCycle.v6.14
- GCPowerStation v17.2
- G8 Enterprise 2020 V9.0.1.0
- Fullagar Geophysics VPem3D 3.382 x64
- Fullagar Geophysics EmaxAIR 5.5
- Fullagar Geophysics Emax 5.4
- Frontline Analytic Solver 2021
- Fracpro v2022
- FracMan v8.0 Materialise.3-matic v15.0
- FracCADE v7.0 Materialise eStage v7.3
- Forsk Atoll 3.4.1 x64
- WinCatalog 2023.2.6.403 Multilingual + Portable
- Topaz Video AI 3.2.0 (x64) + Portable
- Synchredible Professional 8.101 Multilingual Portable
- Saola Animate Pro 3.1.3 (x64) Multilingual Portable
- ReaConverter Pro 7.782 Multilingual Portable
- Pro Motion NG (x64) Portable
- PDF Shaper Professional 13.2 Multilingual Portable
- PC HelpSoft Driver Updater Pro 6.3.953 Multilingual + Portable
- ORPALIS PDF Reducer 4.0.9 Professional + Portable
- MassTube Plus Portable
- Extreme Picture Finder 3.64.1 Multilingual + Portable
- EarthView 7.7.0 Portable
- Bitsum Process Lasso Pro Multilingual Portable
- Adobe RoboHelp 2022.2.22 (x64) Multilingual Portable
- Abelssoft YouTube Song Downloader Plus 2023 v23.3 Multilingual + Portable
- VovSoft SEO Checker 7.1 Multilingual
- VovSoft Batch URL Downloader 4.2
- WhatsApp for Windows 2.2314.11 Multilingual
- Viber for Windows
- Ventoy 1.0.91 Multilingual + LiveCD
- Ssd-led
- Siemens Star CCM+ 2302 v18.02.010-R8 Single Precision (x64) Multilingual
- Siemens Star CCM+ 2302 v18.02.010-R8 Double Precision (x64) Multilingual
- Saola Animate Pro 3.1.3 (x64) Multilingual
- R-Tools R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105 Multilingual BootCD
- R-Tools R-Drive Image 7.1 Build 7105 Multilingual
- Reset Windows Update Tool 11.1.0
- Q-Dir 11.24 Multilingual
- PVS Studio 7.24.70333.195
- Pulsar Modular P11 Abyss v1.2.0
- Programming Multi Timer 6.9
- PDF Shaper Premium / Professional 13.2 Multilingual
- Nitro Pro Enterprise / Retail
- Microsoft OneDrive 23.054.0313.0001
- Lindell-Plugin Alliance Bundle 2023.04
- Liberty Street HomeManage
- Flownex SE 2020 8.11.1
- Liberty Street CoinManage Deluxe 2023
- kiloHearts Toolbox Ultimate 2.1 (x64)
- JRiver Media Center 30.0.91 (x64) Multilingual
- iTubeGo YouTube Downloader 6.9.7 Multilingual
- FanCtrl 1.6.1
- Elsten Software Bliss 20230328
- EaseUS Disk Copy v5.0 (Build 20230403) Pro - WinPE
- Flexscan3D v3.3.5.8
- dslrBooth Professional 6.42.1604.1 (x64) Multilingual
- DMG Audio All Plugins 2023.04.03
- Coreform Cubit 2023.4.0 (x64)
- Comfy Photo Recovery 6.5 Multilingual
- Civil 3D Addon for Autodesk AutoCAD 2024 (x64)
- ChrisPC Free VPN Connection 4.04.05
- BackupAssist Classic 12.0.3
- Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2024
- Fides Dv-Partner Steelcon 2020
- Autodesk Fabrication ESTmep 2024 (x64)
- Vidmore Video Converter 2.3.36 macOS
- TaskPaper 3.9.1 macOS
- Pulsar Modular P11 Abyss v1.2.0 macOS
- NCH Switch Plus 11.09 macOS
- Movist 2.9.2 macOS
- Movavi HD Screen Recorder 23.1.0 23.1.0 macOS
- Fabmaster.v8f2 QUE$TOR v2022
- MarsEdit 5.0.5 macOS
- GrandTotal 8.0.8 macOS
- DirEqual 5.3 (53001) macOS
- Autodesk Mudbox 2024 (x64) MacOS Multilanguage
- Autodesk AutoCAD 2024 macOS UB2 (x64) Multilanguage
- Autodesk Advance Steel 2024 (x64)
- App Builder 2023.23 (x64)
- FRED v11 PetroMod v2020 x64
- FIFTY2 PreonLab v5.3.0
- FIDES DV-Partner Suite v2021
- FEMtools.4.1.2 EnviroSim BioWin 6.0
- FARO SCENE v2022
- Faro cam2 2020.14
- Exa PowerFlow 2019
- Etap.PowerStation.v22
- Esko ArtiosCAD v22.11
- Eriksson Culvert 5.9.2
- ETA Dynaform 6.2 x64
- ESurvey CADD 14.6
- Erdas orima 2022
- Erdas imagine 2023
- omni v2021 Remcom XGTD 2.5
- norsar v2023 Gxplorer v2022
- norsar 2023
- norsar 2020 POLAR SpeedStack 2016
- nTopology3.18
- midas xd v5.0
- Techlog v2022
- TEBIS v4.0 AVL workspace v2019.2
- Synopsys SaberRD 2019.06 x64
- Synopsys LucidShape 2.1
- Synergy Homeopathic Software 1.0.5
- Structure Studios VIP3D Suite v2.511 x64
- StrategyQuant X Pro Build 135
- Strand Ngs 3.4
- StoryBoard Quick v6.0
- Stoner Pipeline Simulator(SPS) v10.7
- Stata Mp 17.0
- Sprutcam 10.3 SKM PowerTools v8
- Spectra Precision Survey Office 5.10 x64
- SpatialAnalyzer.v2019
- SolidPlant 3D v2020
- Softwares of more industrial fields'~~
- Software Engineering,dll (Ansys,Aspen,Archicad,dll)
- Softgenetics Nextgene 2.4.3
- Snowden Supervisor 8.9
- Snowden Supervisor 8.14.3
- Smartermail Build 7950 Enterprise 2021-10-07
- SmartPLS 3.3.3
- Sitekiosk Plus For Windows 9.6 Build 4572
- Simulations ADMET Predictor 9.0
- Simpleware v2018.12 x64
- Simpleware 2018.12 Esko PackEdge 18
- Simbeor 2018.03
- SigmaNEST V8.1
- ShipWeight v13 DesignBuilder v7
- Sharpdesk
- Sequence Pilot Seqpilot 5.2.0
- Senergy Interactive Petrophysics v5.1
- Seismodule Controller Software (Scs) 11.1
- SeismoStruct v7 Eclipse v2021
- SeisImager 2022 GCPowerStation 19
- Scigress 3.4.2
- Sciex Chemoview 2.0.4
- Sciex Analyst 1.7.2
- Schlumberger petrel v2022
- Schlumberger eclipse v2021
- Schlumberger VISTA 2022 x64
- Schlumberger Techlog v2022
- Schlumberger PetroMod 2022 x64
- Schlumberger PIPESIM 2022.1 x64