Exporter for Contacts 1.10.1 MacOSX | 4.54 MB

Exporter for Contacts (was Export Address Book) is a popular Mac app to export contact data from Apple's Contacts into various formats, capable of organizing export setups in customizable templates to make repeated exports a lot easier.

The app lets you export selected contacts, groups, and whole address books to a CSV or a native Excel file (great for importing stuff into FileMaker), and many, many other formats, such as tab-delimited text, HTML, XML+XSLT, and customizable vCards. It lets you decide which contact fields will be exported and in what order. The app comes with predefined export templates for common applications such as Outlook for Windows or Gmail.
>> Excel Workbook
>> CSV and tab-delimited text
>> Outlook for Windows (2003 and 2010 formats)
>> Google Gmail Contacts CSV
>> Fritz!Box/Fritz!OS Adressbuch
>> Customizable vCards
>> XML with optional XSL 1.0 Transformation
>> HTML-Table
Can create native Excel files
Don't fiddle around with clumsy CSV files anymore. Import your contacts hassle-free into Excel, Numbers or FileMaker - with dates, leading zeros and special chars preserved!
Ships with pre-defined export templates
Includes export templates for many applications and tasks like Outlook for Windows, Gmail, Mailing List.
Create your own export templates
Lets you create an unlimited number of custom export templates to make repeated exports easier.
It's not a web app
Exporter for Contacts runs locally on your Mac. It's not a web app. Why does that matter? Because with a local app, you can be assured your data is kept private and secure. Your contacts doesn't need to be transmitted to a website before it can be converted into a data file. There's no chance for your contact data to be intercepted or used for any purposes you don't intend.
Access hidden contact properties
Exports hidden Address Book fields like Creation date, Modification date, Unique Identifier and Group Membership.
Create customized vCards
You can decide which data of a contact should be included in an exported vCard.
Supports many versions of macOS
The app works fine with OS X 10.7 and any newer version of OS X, including macOS 10.12 Sierra.
Respects your privacy
In contrast to other apps, Exporter for Contacts does not phone home nor does it send usage stats to obscure online trackers.
Unbeatable price-performance ratio
For a few dollars you'll get a sophisticated program in which countless hours of work have been invested and that is used by thousands of satisfied users.
Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or later 64-bit
