Marked 2 v2.5.10 | Mac OS X | Top In-App Purchases | 23.48 MB

Marked is a previewer for Markdown files. Use it with your favorite text editor and it updates every time you save. With robust features for previewing, reviewing and exporting beautiful documents, you can work in plain text while reveling in rich formatting.

Marked picks up your changes every time you save in any editor.
It will even scroll to your most recent edit automatically, keeping your attention on your writing, not your preview.

Just open the same file in Marked and your favorite editor, and Marked will start rendering previews as you write.
You can write in plain text, and Marked will automatically create beautiful documents (including HTML, PDF and Word) for you in a wide range of styles. You can even make your own!

Marked works with any processor (not just Markdown) and supports, well, everything.
Fountain, CriticMarkup, MathJax, Scrivener, MarsEdit, VoodooPad, syntax highlighting.

Smart tools for smart writers
Marked 2 is the result of hundreds of hours of working to bring you the ultimate writing tool. With intelligent writing features, flexible options and a wide range of support for various markup formats, editing tools and publishing platforms, Marked is a smart addition to any writer's arsenal. Whether you're blogging, authoring a book, writing a report or editing a GitHub README file, Marked has you covered.

Marked comes ready to work
It has the latest version of MultiMarkdown built in, with the option to render using Discount. It normalizes most syntax differences, so even if you usually work in other formats, Marked works out of the box in 90% of use cases. In the remaining 10%, you can use other processors or custom scripts to get exactly the results you need. Marked has both pre-processor and processor options.

Beefed up file (and folder) tracking
Marked 2 detects changes and updates faster than ever. It even tracks any files you include within a document using Marked's special syntax or any of the supported book formats. You can even drag an entire folder onto Marked's icon and it will start displaying the most recently-edited Markdown or HTML file (you define the types) in the folder, updating every time you start editing a different file.
It works with a folder full of notes or a structured book project in nested folders.

If you're editing a stylesheet - for a Marked theme or for other web design projects - Marked updates its preview style live every time you save, without refreshing. It even watches embedded images for changes and refreshes them on the fly.

Tools for authors
- Work in plain text, view beautiful documents live
- Collapsible sections and an automatic table of contents panel make navigating longer documents a breeze.
- Advanced analysis including word count, reading time, Fog Index and Flesch-Kincaid scores
- Highlight text to get word and character counts for the selection
- Highlight word repetition and density
- Highlight overused words and custom keywords with wildcard support
- Manuscript format preview and output
- Support for previewing compiled Scrivener documents live
- Support for viewing MarsEdit posts as you write
- Fountain support, including "Scrippet" embedding in other documents
- CriticMarkup support for quickly reviewing changes from collaborators
- Support for book formats such as Leanpub and mmd_merge, as well as its own syntax for collating and compiling multi-file documents.

Tools for coders
- Github Flavored Markdown support, including preserved line breaks and fenced code blocks
- Automatic syntax highlighting
- Accurate Github preview
- Custom processors: use Marked with any syntax
- Include external code files with a simple reference syntax
- Search your documents using wildcards and regular expressions
- Marked is almost 100% keyboard-navigable (and even has Vim shortcuts for jumping around)

Tools for bloggers
- Customize Marked to match your website
- See how your posts will actually look, while you write
- Validate all your links before publishing with the click of a button

Tools for business
- Stunning reports
- Proposals
- Even presentations

What's New in Version 2.5.10

If the latest features and fixes in Marked make you a happy writer, please leave/update a review!

Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
