Sandscomputing SewWhat-Pro 4.2.0 Portable | 11.3 Mb
SewArt is software for converting clipart or other forms of raster and vector images into an embroidery file. Image processing tools and a step-by-step wizard are provided to produce an image suitable for yielding a high-quality embroidery stitch-out.

Features of SewArt (an auto-digitizer for embroidery files)
- Reads raster or vector format images (supported input formats include *.bmp, *.png, *.jpg, *.gif, *.svg, *.wmf, and *.emf)
- Allows images in other (unsupported) file formats to be pasted into the SewArt workspace
- Converts images to high-quality embroidery files for sewing
- Supports output embroidery file formats including Brother © *.pes, Janome © *.jef, and Singer © *.xxx (these may be converted by SewWhat-Pro, or other embroidery editors, to a much larger variety of embroidery file formats compatible with most home and commercial machines)
- Contains image-processing tools for converting images into color-reduced, smoothed images suitable for digitizing
- Includes a variety of pattern fills which can be applied to sew individual regions of the image
- Supports both auto-digitizing and manual digitizing options to give substantial user control over the digitizing process

System Requirements
All software products sold by S & S Computing are native Windows applications. They will run on versions of the Windows OS (Operating System) including XP (SP3 must be installed), VISTA, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. To run our software on an Intel-based MAC computer, you must install either a free emulator (Boot Camp© or VirtualBox©) or a commercial emulator (Parallels© or VMWare Fusion©), together with a version of the Windows OS (from XP upwards will work). Then use the Windows download button on our product pages to install the software.
