True Paste 2.1 Business | 5.4 Mb

Although text is rather simple in its nature, it can be quite a bother to move it around between different applications and windows, especially if you need to handle multiple instances at the same time. Furthermore, your overall productivity can be affected if you always have to manually switch windows and transfer it from one place to the other.

Create text chunks and quickly paste them between applications
True Paste is a software utility that comes to your aid, by offering you the possibility to add and save bits of text that you need to move around often, in order to quickly paste them into other applications or documents. Despite the fact that it does not support any type of formatting, the main strength of the utility is its speed, since it allows you to juggle with a large amount of text relatively easy.
In order to do so, after you add the desired text chunk, you have to option to select one of the currently running applications and instantly paste the contents into the active text area, or alternatively, inside the word processor of your choosing. The text is kept as-is, without any modifications or formatting, except for any additional spaces between rows, which are remain intact.
Add tags and use them to search the text
As you might expect, after you start adding more and more chunks, it can become difficult to sort and find the particular bit you are looking for. To that effect, True Paste enables you to add tags when you first create the text block, so that you can use the built-in search function to quickly jump to the desired chunk.
Moreover, if you are concerned about the safety of your text, the utility allows you to setup a master password for the text, as well as encrypt it for even more security. That way, in order to make use of the saved items, you must provide the appropriate password key and decrypt the text before pasting. Albeit, this might defeat the purpose of a fast pasting utility, but it can be successfully used in certain situations that require slightly more attention.
