Diachrony And Synchrony In English Corpus Linguistics
pdf | 3.55 MB | Author :Alcaraz-Sintes, Alejandro.,Valera-Hernández, Salvador.

Book Description :

The volume brings together a selection of invited articles and papers presented at the 4th International CILC Conference held in Jaén, Spain, in March 2012. The chapters describe English using a range of corpora and other resources. There are two parts, one dealing with diachronic research and the other with synchronic research. Both parts investigate several aspects of the English language from various perspectives and illustrate the use of corpora in current research. The structure of the volume allo for the same linguistic aspect to be discussed both from the diachronic and the synchronic point of view. The chapters are also useful examples of corpus use as well as of use of other resources as corpus, specifically dictionaries. They investigate a broad array of issues, mainly using corpora of English as a native language, with a focus on corpus tools and corpus description.

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