Immanuel Kant and Philosophy - 670 books
Immanuel Kant - 282 PDFs
Philosophy - 388 PDFs
The Immanuel Kant collection (5.5 GB of PDFs) developed in 2011, before I joined, as many other books have done.
The Philosophy group of 388 PDFs is from various assorted collections (partially at IPT), from 2006 to the present.
I've checked these, as well as possible, for quality and duplicates.
The lists:
_Immanuel Kant_ 282 PDFs
A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason (UCP 1960) - L.W. Beck.pdf
A Companion to Kant (Blackwell 2006) - (ed.) Graham Bird.pdf
A Kant Dictionary (Blackwell 2000) - Howard Caygill.pdf
Accessing Kant_A Relaxed Introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason (OUP 2005) - J.F. Rosenberg.pdf
Aesthetics and Subjectivity_From Kant to Nietzsche - Andrew Bowie.pdf
Aesthetics.and.Cognition.in.Kants.Critical.Philoso phy.Jul.2006.pdf
Agency and Autonomy in Kant's Moral Theory_Selected Essays (OUP 2006) - Andrews Reath.pdf
Allison, Henry - Kant's Theory of Taste.pdf
An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics_Core Concepts and Problems (Blackwell 2005) - C.H. Wenzel.pdf
An Introduction to Kant's Ethics (CUP 1994) - R.J. Sullivan.pdf
An Introduction to Kant's Moral Philosophy (CUP 2010) - Jennifer K. Uleman.pdf
Andrews Reath - Agency and Autonomy in Kant's Moral Theory~ Oxford.pdf
Anthropologie in Pragmatischer Hinsicht (1800).pdf
Anthropology, History, and Education (CUP 2007) - (eds.) Gu?nter Zo?ller & Robert Louden.pdf
Aquinas and Kant_The Foundations of the Modern Sciences (1950) - Gavin Ardley.pdf
Arendt - Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy.pdf
Bacon und Kant (De Gruyter 2008) - Shi-Hyong Kim.pdf
Banham, Gary - Kant and the Ends of Aesthetics.pdf
Berger, David - Kant's Aesthetic Theory. The Beautiful and Agreeable.pdf
Between Kant and Hegel_Lectures on German Idealism (HUP 2003) - Dieter Henrich.pdf
Between Truth and Illusion_Kant at the Crossroads of Modernity (2002) - Predrag Cicovacki.pdf
Bowie, Andrew - Aesthetics and Subjectivity. From Kant to Nietzsche.pdf
Cambridge University Press Kant on Moral Autonomy (2013).pdf
Cambridge.Companion.to.Kant.and.Modern.Philosophy. Feb.2006.pdf
Character, Liberty, and Law_Kantian Essays in Theory and Practice (Kluwer 1998) - J.G. Murphy.pdf
Companion to Kant (Blackwell 2006) - (ed.) Graham Bird.pdf
Constructions of Reason_Explorations of Kantian Practical Philosophy - Onora O'Neill.pdf
Correspondence (CUP 1999) - Arnulf Zweig.pdf
Creating the Kingdom of Ends (CUP 1996) - Christine M. Korsgaard.pdf
Critique of Practical Reason (Hackett 2002) - Pluhar.pdf
Critique of Practical Reason (pdf of html) - Gregor.pdf
Critique of Pure Reason (CUP 1998) - (ed.) P. Guyer .pdf
Critique of Pure Reason (Hackett 1996) - Pluhar.pdf
Critique of the Power of Judgment (CUP 2002) - (ed.) P. Guyer.pdf
Dickerson - Kant on Representation and Objectivity.pdf
Die Analogie von Vernunft und Natur_Eine Umweltphilosophie nach Kant (DeGruyter 2009) - Angela Brietenbach.pdf
Dostoevsky and Kant_Dialogues on Ethics - Evgenia Cherkasova.pdf
Essays on Kant's Anthropology (CUP 2003) - (ed.) B. Jacobs.pdf
Ethics of the Real (Verso 2000) - Alenka ZupanCic.pdf
Ethics Vindicated~ Kant's Transcendental Legitimation of Moral Discourse - Oxford.pdf
Fallen Freedom_Kant on Radical Evil and Moral Regeneration (CUP 1990) - Gordon E. Michalson.pdf
Force and Freedom_Kant's Legal and Political Philosophy - Arthur Ripstein.pdf
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy (CUP 2003) - Patrick R. Frierson.pdf
Freedom and Religion in Kant and His Immediate Successors_The Vocation of Humankind, 1774-1800 - George de Giovanni.pdf
From Kant to Davidson_Philosophy and the Idea of the Transcendental (Routledge 2002) - J. Malpas.pdf
From Morality to Virtue (1992) - Michael Slote.pdf
From.Kant.to.Davidson.Philosophy.and.the.Idea.of.t he.Transcendental.Jun.2002.pdf?
_Philosophy_ 388 PDFs
The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime_200.pdf
The Sublime Object of Ideology (Second Edition)_2009.pdf
A Brief History of the Paradox - Philosophy and the Labyrinths of the Mind - R. Sorensen (Oxford, 2003) WW.pdf
A Companion to African Philosophy.pdf
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy.pdf
A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages.pdf
A Companion to Philosophy of Biology.pdf
A Companion to the Philosophy of Language.pdf
A Companion to the Philosophy of Science.pdf
A History of Philosophy - Vol II - Medieval Philosophy.pdf
A History of Philosophy - Vol III - Late Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy.pdf
A History of Philosophy - Vol IV - From Descartes to Leibniz.pdf
A History Of Philosophy - Wilhelm Windelban.pdf
A History of Poetics - German Scholarly Aesthetics and Poetics in International Context, 1770-1960.pdf
A History Of Political Thought From Ancient Greece To Early Christianity - Janet Coleman.pdf
A History Of Western Philosophy - Ralph McInerny.pdf
A History Of Western Philosophy The Twentieth Century To Quine and Derrida 3rd ed - Robert Fogelin.pdf
A New History of Western Philosophy - Vol IV - Philosophy in the Modern World.pdf
A Short History Of Ethics - Alasdair Macintyre.pdf
An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy.pdf
Analytic.Philosophy.and.History.of.Philosophy.Jun. 2005.pdf
Ancient.Philosophy.A.New.History.of.Western.Philos ophy.Volume.1.Sep.2004.pdf
Ansell-Pearson (ed) - Nietzsche and Modern German Thought.pdf
Anthology of Philosophy in Persia Vol. 3, Philosophical Theology in the Middle A
sharing is caring, happy downloading..
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