Product Name:Steel Body Bit
Product Description:
Steel body bit The PDC bit is suitable for soft to medium hard formation. High HIS is recommended. Steel is metallurgical opposite of matrix. It is capable of withstanding high impact loads, but is relatively soft and, without protective features, would quickly fail by abrasion and erosion....
Product Website:[Misafirler Kayıt Olmadan Link Göremezler Lütfen Kayıt İçin Tıklayın ! ]
Company Description
Speedmade Drilling Equipment Co., Ltd.
Address:HunanHunanhengyangQidongNo.101 Baihe Street, Qidong County, Hunan Province, China.
Descption:Speedmade Drilling Equipment Co., Ltd. formerly known as Qidong Fengsu Drilling Tools Co., Ltd., is a professional manufacturer that produces and sells drilling bit, drill rig and drill tool. The main products includes composite core drill bit, composite coreless drill bit, electroplated diamond drill bit, hot-pressed diamond drill bit, alloy drill bit, various types of reamer, drilling machine, drill pipe with 20 categories and hundreds of products.
Registered Capital:5000000
Speedmade Drilling Equipment Co., Ltd.
Company Website:[Misafirler Kayıt Olmadan Link Göremezler Lütfen Kayıt İçin Tıklayın ! ]