Autodesk Nastran v2019 R1 (x64)
Autodesk Nastran v2019 R1 (x64) | 1.4 GB
As of March 21, 2018, we've stopped selling Autodesk� Nastran� software to new customers in a stand-alone offering. In an effort to streamline the experience and deliver more value to our customers, the functionality is now available in Autodesk� Nastran� In-CAD.
What's New in V2019.1
This section highlights the new features and enhancements in Autodesk Nastran 2019.1. Note, this list is not necessarily comprehensive. There may be other changes to the software that are not outlined here.
New Features
Fatigue Signed Stress. Added the option to specify whether the sign of the invariant stress/strain used in the life calculation method should be positive or based on the principal stress/strain. See FATIGUE.
Improved Pressure Load Application. Improved accuracy of calculated area for loaded parabolic mesh faces.
Other Revised Reference Guide topics. See NPROCESSORS, TOPTENGINE, and new topic TOPTMAXBETA..
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