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The Focused Writing App.

iA Writer removes distractions, giving you a calm, focused writing space.File Export
Export to WordPress or Medium, HTML, Microsoft Word (.docx), or PDF.
Form Follows Content
Write in MultiMarkdown, preview in HTML.
Live Sync
Seamless Dropbox and iCloud Sync (Mac and iOS products), and Google Drive on Android.
Document Library
Search, sort, and quickly swap between documents without leaving the window.
Syntax Highlight
Spot superfluous adjectives, weak verbs, repetitive nouns, false conjunctions.
Custom Templates
You can now create custom templates for preview, printing and PDF export.
Focus Mode
Focus Mode dims everything but the current sentence, helping you stay in the flow.
Night Mode
iA Writer includes an inverted "light on dark" mode, perfect for writing at night.
Content Blocks
With iA Writer 4 it is now possible to embed pictures, tables and text.
iA Writer removes distractions. Giving you a calm, focused, writing space. So that you can express yourself clearly. For 7 years now, iA Writer has been ed over two Million times on Mac, iOS, and Android. Now we have brought the experience to Windows.
Focus Mode
In iA Writer, when typing, all the window dressing fades away and you are left with a simple white page on which to write. iA Writer also lets you train your focus on the current sentence or paragraph, dimming the surrounding text. This concentrates your attention on the individual words and ideas at the cursor's edge.
Night Mode
iA Writer for Windows offers two principle themes: one for the day and one for at night. If you're working late on your latest project you'll appreciate this dark theme.
Simple Formatting
A well written document is not merely a collection of words scattered across the page. Headings, paragraphs, quotes, lists and more make up the building blocks of an organized piece of text.
iA Writer allows you to structure your text without the need for a mouse, by only typing a few simple characters. It's familiar, and it's also subtly formatted on-screen with Writer's Auto Markdown.
Text Statistics
All versions of iA Writer include word and character counts. They also provide "Reading Time" which estimates how long it takes to read through your document. New in this version is the ability to add a "Word Goal" for the current file.
Further Benefits
Preview and HTML Export
Embed Images and Tables
GitHub TaskList Support
