PointWise 18.2 R2 build 2019-02-20 (x64) 2019

PointWise 18.2 R2 build 2019-02-20 (x64) 2019
x64 | Language:english | File Size: 654 MB

Pointwise is the choice for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) meshing, covering all aspects of preprocessing from geometry model import to flow solver export. Available for Windows, Linux, and Mac, you can generate structured, unstructured, and hybrid meshes including our anisotropic tetrahedral extrusion (T-Rex) technique for highly-automated generation of boundary layer resolving hybrid meshes.

PointWise 18.2 R2 build 2019-02-20 x64
Year / Date Release:2019
Version:18.2 R2 build 2019-02-20
Interface language:English
Tabletka:Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)

System Requirements:
OS:Windows 7/8.1/10 (x64)
RAM:2 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
Space:2 GB disk space
Colors:OpenGL capable color display monitor
Display:1280x1024 screen resolution (4K monitor support now included)
GPU:Graphics adapter supporting 3D hardware-accelerated OpenGL and 24-bit RGB double-buffering
Drivers:Up-to-date graphics accelerator driversWhats New:We are currently performing research with MIT and the U.S. Air Force on automatic meshing," said Dr. Steve Karman, a member of Pointwise's Applied Research Team. "As part of that effort, we have added import of EGADS files, the native geometry format of the Engineering Sketch Pad (ESP) conceptual design software." This native coupling of Pointwise's meshing with ESP makes it that much easier to apply CFD during conceptual design when the simulation results can be most impactful.

Pointwise Version 18.2 R2 also includes updated support for NASA's USM3D flow solver, expanded graphical selection of objects created during overset grid assembly, new convenience functions in Glyph scripting, improved status messages, and defect corrections.

New Features:
-EGADS native CAD import has been added
-All break points on selected connectors can be deleted using a new toolbar button.
-The Project command now includes the ability to show constrained grid points in the Display window in the same manner as Examine, Database Associativity.

Resolved Issues:
PW-21637 The pw:Application exit function was not working when using the Glyph server.
PW-21635 Using a "\" in a CAE boundary condition renders the .pw file unusable.
PW-21630 Joining connectors unintentionally deleted an adjacent domain.
PW-21628 T-Rex bug resulted in failed face processing on export.
PW-21616 On Linux systems, the target reticle for the mouse could be inaccurate.
PW-21609 A block was not initializing successfully and causing an unexpected exit.
PW-21597 Having a floating and roaming license used simultaneously caused Pointwise to close.
PW-21594 A domain with a source was causing initialization (of the domain or the block) to fail and Pointwise to close unexpectedly.
PW-21588 Spacings were being removed from a Named Spacing when the distribution of the connector was changed to equal spacing.
PW-21586 Initializing multiple domains with triangles and quads caused an unexpected exit.
PW-21575 A block surrounded by other blocks could not be elevated on export when exported by itself.
PW-21563 Edit, Split was failing if a split location was too close to an end node.
PW-21562 Two dimensional CGNS files were not be imported correctly.
PW-21560 Two domains could not be initialized due to poor boundary triangulation.
PW-21555 The syntax description for the function getValueAtPoint was missing in the Glyph manual pages.
PW-21548 Two connectors could not be joined.
PW-21546 Structured domains had directional ambiguity in Edit, Orient.
PW-21538 Copying a block and then adjusting a named spacing was causing an unexpected exit.
PW-21537 A script setting the dimension using the size field was taking significantly longer than previous versions.
PW-21534 The end spacing could not be changed after joining two connectors.
PW-21532 The T-Rex Reduced Pyramids algorithm was not matching Match domains correctly.
PW-21521 The "All and Reduce Pyramids" option was still using 5 pyramids rather than a single capping pyramid.
PW-21508 Improved error reporting when an unstructured block is unable to be initialized.
PW-21506 Two structured blocks were unable to be joined.
PW-16958 Multi-segment is now a file option for the USM3D exporter.
PW-16955 USM3D can now export grids greater than 100 million cells.



