Seguro PC OptiClean 5.3.0 | 5.4 Mb

PC OptiClean is a recommended solution to help eliminate common PC problems such as errors, blue screens, sluggish behavior and much much more. PC OptiClean can help your PC run like new again!

Error Messages:

PC OptiClean is a recommended solution to help eliminate common PC problems such as errors, blue screens, sluggish behavior and much much more. PC OptiClean can help your PC run like new again!
PC OptiClean helps with the following common PC related issues:
Error Messages:
Regular maintenance goes a long way in keeping you PC error free.
DLL/EXE Issues:
PC OptiClean will scan for, find and repair dll and exe issues that cause annoying errors.
Slow Boot Time:
Does your PC take forever to start? Not anymore. PC OptiClean will scour your PC for bloatware and recommend programs you can stop from loading at boot, making your boot time as fast as it used to be!
Sluggish PC Behavior:
As you use your PC, it can become bogged down over time with remnants of old programs, junk from failed uninstalls, a bloated system registry and much much more. PC OptiClean will optimize all of this for you hassle free!
Safe Scan
Feel safe knowing that anytime you scan and repair, PC OptiClean makes a backup of your registry that you can roll back anytime!
Faster Startups
PC OptiClean will help you organize your programs and stop ones you never use from loading when Windows boots!
Scan on YOUR Time
You can easy schedule scans daily or weekly.. whenever you feel best. You can even do it 100% manually if you wish!
Free Updates
We regularly update our application and add new features. All users get free program updates and can enjoy all the benefits at no additional cost!
Free Up Hard Drive Space
PC OptiClean quickly deletes junk data and temporary files freeing up valuable hard drive space making your PC run a lot smoother!
Windows 10, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7
