STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition V9 Update 3

STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition V9 Update 3 | 784.4 mb

The Bentley's STAAD development team is pleased to announce the availability of STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition V9 Update 3 (version . This software is used for the analysis and design of isolated footings, combined footings, strip footings, pile caps and mat foundations.

Generation of Load Combinations per ASCE 7-2016

In the General and Toolkit modes of SFA, load combinations can now be generated per the ASCE standard titled

ASCE 7-16 - Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures

In order to generate combinations using this code, the basic load cases need to be assigned one of the following types in SFA.

- Dead
- Live
- Wind Along X
- Wind Along Z
- Seismic Along X
- Seismic Along Y
- Seismic Along Z
- Fluid Load
- Snow Load
- Dead Weight of Ice
- Flood
- Active Earth Pressure
- Rain
- Self Straining (Loads due to Temperature & Shrinkage are included in this type)
- Wind on Ice Along X
- Wind on Ice Along Z
- Roof Live

The combination cases generated by SFA are in accordance with Section 2.3 of the ASCE 7-16 document for Strength Design, and, Section 2.4 of that document for Allowable Stress Design. Recall that for foundation designs based on the ACI 318 code, the concrete design of foundations must be based on combination cases for strength design, while soil pressure and stability checks should be done using combination cases for allowable stress design. (Strength cases are also referred to by the name Ultimate cases in SFA.)

In SFA, a facility for generating these combinations is available in the General mode and in the Toolkit mode, with separate buttons for service and strength. Each mode of the program contains a table that comes populated with the factors for the respective load types. The following figure shows the facility that is available in the General mode.

In those instances where a certain load type is a candidate for both signs (positive as well as negative), multiple load combination cases, that account for all combinations of the sign, will be generated. Wind, Seismic, Wind on Ice, etc. are the basic cases that fall in this category. For example, a combination of Dead load with 0.6*Wind Load will produce the following combinations

D + 0.6Wx
D + 0.6Wz
D - 0.6Wx
D - 0.6Wz
where D is Dead, Wx is Wind Along X, and Wz is Wind along Z.

Notice in the above figure that there is a check box in the second column, which if unchecked, instructs SFA that the combination case defined by that row should not be generated.


- If the SFA model is created by importing the support reactions from the analysis of a superstructure model, such as from STAAD.Pro or an ISM repository, and if load combinations have already been specified in that superstructure model, the user can directly import the reactions for those combination cases which would eliminate the need to create the combinations inside SFA.
- SFA allows the user to assign a few more types to the basic load cases than the ones listed earlier in this document. See the following figure.

Some examples are Wind on Ice (without any direction), Ash Mass, Crane, etc. However, these types are not mentioned in the ASCE 7-16 document, and consequently, there are no load factors available in the load combination table in SFA for that code. As a result, if we assign those types to any of the basic load cases, they will be excluded from the generated combinations. Users can avoid this by setting their type to the ones named User1, User2, etc. and providing a factor in the table under those headings. A warning to alert the user to this possibility is reported by the program if such a situation is encountered.

Combined Footing Design

STAAD Foundation Advanced now supports the standards for foundation design for China GB 50007-2011 Code for design of building foundation for the analysis and design of combined footings.

This feature is available through the General mode of the program. In the Toolkit mode and PLANT mode, the Chinese code is currently not available for these or other types of foundations.

How does one create a combined footing job?

In the section titled What's New in CONNECT edition V9.1, the procedure used for creating an isolated footing job to the Chinese code was described.

The same procedure can be used to create a combined footing job.

The rules for performing the concrete design of the footing are similar to those for other codes. Users are urged to go through the various sections of the Technical manual for information on this topic.

The sections of the GB 50007 code that are used in performing the various checks for combined footings are similar to those for isolated footings, and those are available as shown in the topic highlighted in the next figure.

Calculation report

If the design of the footing is successful, a calculation sheet is displayed containing the details for the checks mentioned above, and the governing load case for each check. For a failed design, the cause of the failure has to be interpreted by reading the messages displayed in the Output Pane, which is the panel below the drawing area.

The report can be obtained in either Chinese or English


Drawings of the foundation plan and layout are also produced.

Solved examples

Two solved examples that illustrate the procedure used for designing these footings is available in the verification manual of this program.

Implementation of the ACI Metric Bar database

For all the foundation types in SFA for which design can be performed per the metric editions of the ACI 318 code, the reinforcing bar database that is used henceforth is per the specifications of that edition. Most of these editions have an Appendix where the bar details are listed. Shown here is the one for the 2011 edition.

Implementation of the Australian reinforcing bar database

For all the foundation types in SFA for which design can be performed per the Australian code AS3600-2018, the reinforcing bar database per the Australian standards is now available. The source of this information is the Australian standard AS/NZS 4671:2001 with Amendment No.1

Pilecap module - identifying the individual piles with a number

For the pilecap module, in the various places where the pile arrangement is available in pictorial form, each pile is now annotated with a number for quick identification. This enables easier correlation between the pile and the forces in the pile as reported in the tables for oneway shear, punching shear, etc., in the calc report.

Viewing the pile reactions for a mat foundation on piles

For mat foundations on piles, a table that shows the pile reactions for all the piles of the current mat job for the selected load case is now available for viewing from a table named Pile Reactions in the output pane. Please note that the selected load case should be part of the current mat job if its reactions are to be displayed. This is because, the reactions are calculated only for those load cases which are included in the job and analyzed. Hence, if the selected load case it is not included in the job, the table will be blank for that case.

STAAD Foundation Advanced a software package for the analysis and design of a variety of foundations. These include general foundation types such as isolated, combined footings, pile caps, slab on grade or on piles (mat foundations), octagonal, strap, and, plant foundations such as vertical vessel and heat exchanger foundations.

A part of the STAAD family of products, STAAD Foundation Advanced can import and update the geometry, loads, and reactions from a STAAD.Pro model after which it will design the foundation type that we want at those supports. If the type happens to be a pilecap, it can determine a number of pile arrangements and design the pilecap for the arrangment that we choose. Data can also be brought from spreadsheets (e.g., such as that in Microsoft Office Excel�) into STAAD Foundation Advanced.

The output from the program includes customizable reports of the calculations performed, general arrangement drawings, and schedule drawings. The reports are a useful tool for line by line checks to determine the correctness of the calculations if the engineer wishes to do so. The program's graphical interface enables users to view the displaced shapes, shear and moment diagrams, stress distribution, and, reinforcement layout.

For mat foundation designs, STAAD Foundation Advanced creates a finite element model of the mat slab on grade. Soil is treated as spring supports whose stiffness is determined based on the size of the elements of the FE mesh. The model is then analyzed using STAAD.Pro, and, design of the slab is performed by aggregating the results across elements that are clustered into design strips.

Bentley STAAD Foundation Advanced

Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: STAAD Foundation
Version: Advanced CONNECT Edition V9 Update 3 (version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : [Misafirler Kayıt Olmadan Link Göremezler Lütfen Kayıt İçin Tıklayın ! ]
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 784.4 mb

System Requirements

- The following hardware requirements are suggested minimums. Systems with increased capacity provide enhanced performance.
- PC with Intel-Pentium or equivalent.
- Graphics card and monitor with 1280x1024 resolution, 256 color display (16 bit high color recommended).
- System memory: Minimum of 1 GB is required and suitable for small to medium problems; 2GB is recommended. However, for large, complex problems up to 8 GB may be needed.
- Windows 8.1 (64 bit) or Windows 10 (64 bit) operating system.

Note: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Microsoft� Vista, Windows 7, and 32-bit versions of Windows are no longer supported.
- Sufficient free space on the hard disk to hold the program and data files. The disk space requirement will vary depending on the modules you are installing. A typical minimum is 500MB free space.
- A multimedia ready system with sound card and speakers is needed to run the tutorial movies and slide shows.

Additional RAM, disk space, and video memory will enhance the performance of STAAD Foundation Advanced.

You should have a basic familiarity with Microsoft Windows operating systems in order to use the software

