Total Commander PowerUser 67 Portable | 268 MB
The most powerful tool for system administrators and advanced users, which correctly picked the program and plug-ins. All this is a Total Commander is integrated into the shell.
Exclusive differences from other assemblies TC:
1. Own repository programs - Install additional software in the vehicle with a single click
2. improved system - all found bugs promptly corrected and you will see a change in you already installed the assembly
3. Automatic Update program - no need to wait for the new build new versions of software, upgrade the program with a single click
4. The main criterion for the assembly - a maximum of functionality for every megabyte
List of portable software
7-zip - archiver with a high compression ratio [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
aBurner - recording discs. Supports multisession, extraction sessions. Record multiple copies of discs. Record AudioCD
Accounts Tuner - setting some additional accounts Security Settings
Actual Spy - the spy program (Trojan), covert surveillance computer + dispatch report. Intercepts clipboard, keystrokes, make
Ad Muncher - ad blocker, pop-ups, banners and other unwanted objects on web pages. Starting with the Shift program adds to startup, start with Alt removes
Advanced IP Scanner - Network Scanner. Receiving information network devices
AdwCleaner - helps you find adware and potentially unwanted software. Starting with Ctrl update program
AIDA64 - all about computer + stress tests and benchmarks. Starting with Ctrl update program
AIMP3 - quality Russian audio player. Starting with Ctrl associates the player with audio files, start with the Shift cancels the [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
AMD Driver Downloader - Automatic search and download drivers from AMD
Ammyy Admin Corporate - PC remote control, file transfer, voice chat (no more than 15 hours per month)
AntiDupl - find similar pictures
Antirun 2.3 - check removable drives autorun malicious files in real time + izvlekalka convenient removable disks
AnVir Task Manager - Startup Manager, processes, services and drivers. Replacing Task Manager. Starting with Ctrl update program
AppCrashView - display information about all applications that have been shut down or emergency shut down
AutoHideDesktopIcons - Auto Hide desktop icons when a user inactivity
Autoruns - all that autostart system. You can manage the startup of an autonomous system
AVSearch - search for text in files
AVZ - combat SpyWare, AdWare, Dialer, BackDoor, Trojan + very useful system of research and the Windows Recovery. Starting with Ctrl update program
Back2Life - a safe, convenient and quick recovery of deleted data
Beyond Compare - compare files or directories for content (Win + F2 or Alt + C)
BlueScreenView - displays extended information about all the BSOD in the summary table
BOOTICE - manipulation boot sectors with ample opportunities. Loading various OS, boot recovery
BSOD - a collection of instructions for troubleshooting in the event of Blue Screen Of Death
CarotDAV - client for FTP, WebDAV, OneDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, SugarSync. Requires .NET
CCleaner + - removal of logs, temporary files, garbage in the registry. Uninstalling, overwriting with zeros. Starting with Ctrl update program
CCProxy - powerful and compact proxy
CDSlow - control the drive speed
Check Flash - test of efficiency and speed. Edit, save and partition / drive / boot repair
CherryPlayer - Audio / video player, radio, uploading / watching videos without Publicity from Youtube, FaceBook, 4shared + audio, SoundCloud
ChkDskGui - interface for the console utility Chkdsk
CLCL - Clipboard Caching
ColorConsole - more functional replacement cmd with support for tabs. Starting with Ctrl update program
ColorMania - color codes
ConvertFN - mass change coding
ConvertXtoDVD 4.2 - Convert any video format compatible with DVD Video + recording on disc
CPU-Z - information on CPU
CrystalDiskInfo - indications S.M.A.R.T. Power Management and Acoustic Mode
CurrPorts - shows all the open ports on your computer, the closure of TCP-connections, the completion process
DimScreen - dimming the screen
DirectGRUB - GUI to create a bootable USB drive from the ISO podgruzku
Directory Backuper - scheduler backup directory
DM Disk Editor and Data Recovery - search, edit, and restore the information on the disks
DNS Jumper - convenient switching DNS
DomainHostingView - shows detailed information about domains
DOSBox - emulator MS DOS (FAQ in the program folder)
Download Master - download manager with automatic search of mirrors, downloading from YouTube, Scheduler, FTP Explorer (without Publicity)
Dr.Web 6 Portable Scanner - attending an anti-virus scanner. Starting with the Shift check the file / folder under the cursor. Starting with Ctrl update program
Driver Fusion - complete removal of the drivers, backup, restore. Requires .NET
DVD Shrink - compression, removal of protection, editing and cutting DVD-movies
EasyBCD - operating systems, download manager, create multi-boot
Error Lookup - getting error in Windows information
ERUNT - registry backup, you can automatically every time you boot
Everything - (!) To instantly find files and folders on the PC [Shift + F7]
FileTypesMan - file systems and their associations change
FileZilla Server - configuring, setting and monitoring of the FTP server. Starting with Ctrl update program
FileZilla - FTP-manager for uploading and downloading files of FTP-servers. Starting with Ctrl update program
Flash Drive Information Extractor - obtaining information on a flash drive
FLV Extract - run, drag flv window. And in the folder where the flv, mp3 and avi appear
Flying Windows - a set of useful tools. HELP in the program folder
foobar2000 Merak Pack - compact assembly for the best audio player convenience. Automatic download from the Internet biography, cover, lyrics
Foxit PDF Editor - PDF Editor
FurMark - stress test and benchmark GPU
Ghost Explorer - View and edit images created by the program Ghost
Ghost - creation / cloning disks / partitions
GIGATweaker - fine tuning of Windows 7
GoldWave - multifunctional audio editor
GPU-Z - information about the GPU, saving BIOS. Starting with Ctrl update program
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro - icon editor with support for layers
Hal - fast and convenient search for torrent files on the Internet
Hardware Monitor Pro - all system sensors, including remote. Conclusion any parameter in the system tray
HD Tune Pro - indications S.M.A.R.T. Diagnostics and Test HDD, SSD, RAID, Flash. Power Management and Acoustic Mode
HDD Low Level Format Tool - low-level formatting
HDD Scanner - shows the distribution of information on the disc / folder under the cursor
HDHacker - preserve and restore MBR nat. disks, BootSector log. drive or any specified sector drives
HDI - reading / writing HDD indicator
HFS - creating a file HTTP-server
Image Uploader - , upload images and other files to websites, including those from the clipboard. You can drag a file to the button
Imagine [Animation Editor] - creation and editing of GIF, ANI-files
Imagine - view, edit and convert graphic files. Starting with Ctrl associated with image files program, start with the Shift cancels the [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
IP-TV Player - IP-TV
IPNetInfo - shows all the available information about the IP-address
iSendSMS - sending sms and mms via the Internet. Starting with Ctrl update program
KeePass Professional Edition - secure storage of passwords
KiTTY - a modified version of PuTTY program
Kremlin Decrypt - to decrypt a file or folder under the cursor
Kremlin Encrypt - encrypt a file or folder under the cursor
Kremlin Secdel - delete the file / folder under the cursor can not be restored (Win + Shift + F8)
Kremlin Wipe - mashing the empty spaces for the inability to recover deleted data
LanSpy - the program is designed to gather information on a remote host
LanTalk.NET - does not require a server instant messaging for LAN
MACAddressView - information about network adapters on their MAC addresses
MikroTik WinBox Loader - configurator for RouterOS
MiniTool Partition Wizard - Work with sections of the HDD and the Flash, partitioning, formatting, resizing
mInstaller - creating installers
Miranda IM - instant messaging program. Starting with the Shift will launch a database wizard. Starting with Ctrl update program
MKey - assigning different actions to any keys and combinations thereof. Manage players, browsers, network connections. Starting with Ctrl update program
Movavi Video Converter - convert audio / video, cut, watermarks on videos, etc.
mp3DirectCut - editor of mp3 files without decompression
MPC Home Cinema - Video Player. Starting with the Shift associated with video player, start with Alt reset all settings. Starting with Ctrl update program [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
MPR - reveals the passwords of more than 110 popular applications (FTP, E-mail clients, IM clients Internet, Browsers and so on.) Shows passwords hidden under asterisks. Password generator
MSI Afterburner - overclocking GPU configuration and monitoring. Video recording of the games - Shift + Alt + W
MsiTools - opens the file under the cursor
MultiBoot - recovery of Windows Vista bootloader / 7 and you create a multiboot menu
MultiDesk - add-on Windows remote desktop
MusicWire - search and download mp3
NetDrive - Mounts FTP, WebDAV as a local hard drive
NetLook - alternative network environment, network scanner, navigation through shared resources and messaging
NetRouteView - graphical shell standard Windows utility for managing routes
NetSetMan - network configuration, creation of profiles with different settings, auto profiles. Starting with Ctrl update program
NetVoice - instant messaging and voice communication in the network, the conference. It does not require a server
NetworkTrafficView - display general statistics about network traffic
NetWorx - traffic control and speed for all network connections. Starting with Ctrl update program
NonStopCopy - copy from damaged media
Noscript - on / off Windows Script Host
Notepad ++ - a text editor. Starting with Ctrl update program [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
NTFS Links - create hard or symbolic links on NTFS-partitions (HELP in the program folder)
NVIDIA Inspector - information about their GPU GeForce overclocking and monitoring
Open Hardware Monitor - all the sensors of the system. Conclusion any parameter in the tray. Requires .NET
OpenWithView - change the items in the "Open With"
Opera - the browser based on Chromium. Cut out and send auto-update statistics added Flash Player. Starting with the Shift will make Opera the default browser. Starting with Ctrl update program
Orca - editor msi-installer (Windows Installer Package)
PageDfrg - Registry defragmentation and paging file when loading a 32-bit Windows
PE Explore - resource editor, a disassembler
PE network manager - network configuration, change of MAC-addresses
PhotoFiltre Studio X - editing
PingInfoView - simultaneously a large number of ping remote addresses
PlanMaker - spreadsheet, export to PDF [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
Pointofix - random , drawing on the screen, zoom on mouse wheel, etc.
PowerOff - planner, timer, daily
Process Explorer - process management, system information, log off. Replacing Task Manager
Process Monitor - monitor file access to the registry, can filter on a specific program
Pserv - manage processes, services, windows, launch drivers, uninstalling applications. Windows Event Log
Punto Switcher - automatic switching keyboard layouts, keeping a diary (a la keylogger). When the clamped Shift start a diary. Starting with Ctrl update program
PuTTY - Telnet and SSH client. Help in your program
QemuBootTester - Easy virtual machine to check the boot images / flash drives
QIP 2012 - communication protocols via ICQ, Jabber, Mail.Ru Agent, SIP, Ya-line. Runs in stand-alone mode. Starting with the Shift - normal mode. Starting with Ctrl update program
QTranslate - translation of text using online translators, pronunciation, orthography. Transfer to allocate the mouse, as in Lingvo. Starting with Ctrl update program
Quick BFC - convert bat to exe
R-Studio - restore deleted files and corrupted partitions HDD, CD, Flash and RAID
Rapid Environment Editor - Information about the system / user variables and editing. Starting with Ctrl update program
RAR Unlocker - lift the ban on file change
RAS Dialer - to connect to the VPN connection or PPoE
RBTray - windowing
RedButton - removal of logs, temporary files. Removing components OC + tweaker. Already set to secure clearance. Starting with the Shift is similar to pressing the red button
RegConvert - reg converts into bat and inf
RegConvert - reg converts into bat, vbs and au3
RegWorkshop - multifunction replacement regedit
Remote Administrator - remote control for controlling the computer on it should be run Remote Administrator Server
Restorator - Resource Editor in the dll, exe, ocx, etc.
Router Scan - Search routers / routers in the network and bypass the authentication paths for younger models of D-Link, ASUS and others.
Rufus - formatting, and create bootable Flash
RunAsDate - creates an environment for programs to set time. It modifies the program, stopping for them
S & M - stress test CPU, PSU and memory
SafeMSI - time inclusion of Windows Installer in Safe Mode
Sandboxie - runs the program so that any changes related to the use of these programs are stored in a "sandbox", which can be removed in the future
SAS.Planeta - View and download satellite maps from Google services, Yandex, etc. Viewing downloaded maps without an internet connection.. Starting with Ctrl update program
SCapture - recording a video file that is displayed on the monitor, creating
ShellMenuView - changes in the context menu of files / folders in Windows Explorer
Silent key finder - search for silent installation keys for distribution under the cursor
Simple Port Forwarding - management of modem ports, routers (routers), redirect Internet traffic from one port to another
Skype - Voice over the Internet between computers (VoIP). Starting with the Shift to add to the program startup. Starting with Ctrl update program
SmartSniff - intercept and view TCP / IP-packets sent over the network adapters between client and server
Snappy Driver Installer - install and update drivers
SoftPerfect RAM Disk - the creation of a virtual disk in RAM
SSD Mini Tweaker - Windows 7/8 setting for SSD with helpful and questionable optimizations
Stamp - the creation of seals and stamps
SumatraPDF - view pdf, djvu, xps, cbr, fb2, mobi, epub. Starting with the Shift associates program pdf. Starting with Ctrl update program [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
Super PI mod - CPU benchmark
SysTracer - create registry snapshots, files, and compare them with each other
TcpView - shows the open ports and the processes using an internet connection, with the possibility of their completion
TeamViewer - PC remote control, presentation, file transfer, video chat (without and time limits)
Teleport VLX - full or partial download sites from the Internet while retaining all the internal structure of directories and files for later viewing offline
TeraCopy Pro - repins (Win + F5) file under the cursor to the opposite panel, resume support and other advantages (Win + F6 to move)
TextMaker - Editor document, spell check, export to PDF and EPUB [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
Tftpd32 - DHCP, TFTP, SNTP and Syslog servers + TFTP client
The Bat! - E-mail client with data encryption
TinyPiano - piano keyboard
Tireal TFT Test - Monitor test
ToolTips Harvester - copying text pop-ups
TrashReg - registry cleaning + removal from the registry key defense programs Trial. Starting with Ctrl update program
TrueCrypt - that creates an encrypted container (looks like an ordinary file mp3, avi, etc.), which can then be connected to a disk and store the information Logon Changer - Replacement Kartika at the logon screen and on the lock screen
UFS Explorer - view file system (can be damaged), including Linux, MacOS, and data recovery
UltraISO - recording discs. Understands the 35 image formats, mount, Ripping, create AudioCD, boot flash drives, format conversion of images [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
UNetbootin - loading CD / DVD ISO-disk images with Linux / BSD and the creation of these Live USB
UninstallTool - more functional replacement of "Add or Remove Programs"
Unlocker - unlock, rename, delete, move files and folders, the process employed, or have the incorrect name (scroll to the object)
UoPilot - emulation of mouse and keyboard actions. Starting with Ctrl update program
UPX Shell - packer executables
Upx Unpacker - decompression protected UPX
USB Disk Eject - Safely Remove USB drive
USB Vaccine - protection against viruses stick with auto, by writing to non-removable flash files
USBMaster - management information storage USB-devices (details on the menu "Help")
uTorrent 2.0.4 - Client for the BitTorrent (P2P) networks. DHT patch. is cut. Ability to enable progressive download
uVS - the fight against unknown viruses. Copes with Winlock. Recover the OS. Able to work with inactive OS. Starting with Ctrl update program
Victoria - test, analysis and treatment of HDD (information on the F1)
Virtual Panel - temporary panel, allows you to store reference files and folders that you often apply, and actually refer to them as regular files
VirtualBox - create a virtual machine. You can run on the same computer multiple operating systems
VirtualDub - video capture and processing. Wanted installed codecs
Virus Total Upload - to send the file under the cursor on the site, where it will test 40 antivirus
VKMusic - allows you to search, listen online and download music and videos from VKontakte, YouTube, Rutube and other sites
VMT - stress test video memory GPU
Volumouse - Sound Control, etc. with the mouse.
WakeMeOnLan - including remote computer
WifiInfoView - review of active Wi-Fi networks. For each found the network shows extended information
WinContig - HDD and Flash defragmenter. It is able to selectively defragment files and folders. Starting with Ctrl update program
WinDjView Extended - viewing djvu-files [Alt + F3 opens the file under the cursor]
10 Windows Firewall Control - protection against unwanted network activity, Internet access control applications. Starting with Ctrl update program
Windows XP WPA-Patch - Activation
WinHex - HEX-Editor
WinRAR - functional archive. It works with locked files
WinRoll - windowing
WinSCP - SFTP graphical client protocols, SCP and WebDAV
WinUpack - packer executables
Wireless Network Watcher - showing who connected to your WiFi
WirelessNetView - review of active Wi-Fi networks. For each found the network shows extended information
Wise InstallTailor - creating an answer file in a msi installer for mst
Word 97 - document editor
WSAT - built-in computer performance evaluation on Windows 8 / 8.1
X-Chat - IRC client. It supports parallel operation with multiple servers
XP Tweaker - Setup Windows XP + Vista and 7 partially
XP-AntiSpy - tweaker system with an emphasis on off loopholes in XP / 2003 / Vista / 7.

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