Vectorworks 2018 SP4 Update

Vectorworks 2018 SP4 Update | 1.5 Gb

Global design and BIM software developer Vectorworks, Inc. has released an update to release of its 2018 Vectorworks software. The release includes Vectorworks Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Designer and Fundamentals, as well as Vision. New this year is Braceworks, a structural load analysis add-on module targeted to designers and riggers working on temporary entertainment structures.

The following issues were addressed for Vectorworks 2018 Service Pack 4.
This is a list of bugs that were fixed or wish list items that were fulfilled. The information comes directly from the bug database as entered by the users who filed the issues.

VB-127213Marionette - Undo Mystery Object
VB-132410Fractional Display for Dimensions - aligned badly
VB-137183Crash in DWG_Library!ExGsMaterialDumpView::triangleOut
VB-137220Crash in GetAppropriateObjectOpacity
VB-137337Marionette: Rotate Line node does not maintain attributes of line being rotated
VB-137616When the Solar Animation is executed, VW will crash. (Sierra Only)
VB-141350After Save & Commit RW Background and Environment Lighting settings lost
VB-142191Unable to resize a dimension when the witness lines offset is set to zero.
VB-143714Clicking on Dropbox storage doesn't prompt the user to integrate VCS with Dropbox
VB-145422Export Web View- The Scene Preview Seems Slow To Show Model in Web Browser
VB-145676Connect/Combine tool causes crash on Roof Faces
VB-146378Site Model Generation is Causing Some Strange Contours in 2018
VB-146661Attach Record window hides the Edit Values button when stretched
VB-146934Hidden duplicate of a hanging position in the attached file
VB-146969Window numbers showing through from other side of model in Hidden Line
VB-147191When you export to 3DS some of the texture settings are not exported
VB-147349Marionette: "Unit Plan" node works as Wrapper, fails as Object node
VB-147354Photogrammetry- Not Enough data is imported in Point Cloud Compared to OBJ_Import
VB-147410Cable Tools Weight field in Metric dispite my trying otherwise
VB-147597Spotlight: Truss Connections are displaced and errant if geometry of Hanging Positions are changed
VB-147640Marionette: Points on Curve node has some errors
VB-147683BIMobject: Importing object from DWG appears to have mm/inch unit problem
VB-147699The menu / tool which should not be used in the product is displayed by Workspace Editor.
VB-147710Arrowheads on Title Blocks
VB-147799Marionette: Get Object Variable has typo
VB-147832Vectorworks crashes if the "Navigation Graphics" is set the "Best Performance"
VB-148013Crash when copy/paste Braceworks rigging system from one file to another
VB-148046One-Time Crash When Opening 2017 File in SP3
VB-148103Vectorworks Crash when clicking Document Settings / Units
VB-148159The amount of symbols has a huge influence of the activation speed of spaces
VB-148217Crashing when working with roofs
VB-148265Site Model Create and Edit (Recreate from Source Data) changes after exiting Edit
VB-148304Spotlight Hoist: Minimum Chain Length is too big
VB-148311Threads stuck in Parasolid
VB-148320Crash updating worksheets
VB-148348Opening AutoCad file crashes Vectorworks
VB-148400Impending license expiration notifications for students should be turned back on
VB-148428New Title Block: doesn't embed sym at proper location upon resizing page
VB-148436Title Block Border: Edit Title Block dialog that is opened from the Edit menu gets the settings from the Double click pop-up
VB-148465Lightwright XML file not receiving latest changes when move or insertion initiated
VB-148493Project Sharing - Chain Dimension and Revision Cloud very slow
VB-148533Marionette: Repeat node should use itertools function
VB-148543Entering multiline Sheet Title from Title Block is getting only the first line applied as Sheet Description
VB-148558FATAL: Revit Import
VB-148640AHA: Undo of complex objects (e.g. door, window, space) is pretty slow (18 secs for a door)
VB-148671Hidden Line Regression?
VB-148680Crash When Using Connect Combine on Roof Faces
VB-148686Changing attributes of a class takes a lot of time
VB-148691Marionette; Convert to Poly Group Node Issue
VB-148694Viewports and / or sheet layers trigger unwanted regenerations when PIO style is edited
VB-148714IFC: Export direction of German Windows and Door are wrong in IFC
VB-148747IFC-Export umlauts not exporting correctly.
VB-148748layers referenced with method "layer import" imports in wrong order
VB-148805Hyperlink Settings dialog doesn't save settings after you click OK button
VB-148847working file object z heights are not transferring properly to Project file
VB-148867Site model recreated differently in 2017 vs 2018
VB-148925When setting "Use layer colors",the colors are not displayed correctly.
VB-148928Script source code with Japanese characters will be corrupt in Script editor.
VB-148964Folder name in Migration Manager dialog not localizable
VB-1489813DS Export - Textures With Noise/Tiles/Bricks/Pavement Color Shaders Get Exported as Blue
VB-149073Activating Door tool in 2018 almost 2.5 times slower than 2017
VB-149092Vectorscript Get/SetObjectWallOffset() Functions Fails for Round Walls
VB-149145IFC: Classification information deleted after IFC export
VB-149146IFC: Classification is not exported to IFC if the name is not OmniClass
VB-149171Braceworks: 'Calculate Selection' includes unrelated system on invisible layer
VB-149174Saved set with Custom Units doesn't load properly in other documents.
VB-149189Catalogue Filters Broken
VB-149198Crash in Vectorworks_Remote
VB-149283Crash in PKErrorHandler
VB-149297Animation Editing is too difficult for customer.
VB-149306Offset Elevation Benchmark in Localized versions cannot be changed
VB-149344Export to Webview: Failure after 2nd attempt for shareable link
VB-149391Creating Referenced Design Layer Viewport causes crash
VB-149540Plant Database - Plant Images Deleted During Plant Creation
VB-149573Truss Elevation Changes When Height is Changed
VB-149575Import Tree Survey File: Cannot Map Required fields for UK imports
VB-149578Crash while attaching a record to Braceworks object while inside a hanging position
VB-149626Vectorworks Prefs: user data option is reset to default with reset prefs
VB-149631ProjectSharing endless backup-files on macOS when umlaut in filenames
VB-149636Copying Truss Crosses to a new file crashes VW
VB-149673Classes are not visible
VB-149674Project Sharing: Vectorworks incorrectly shows a warning about loss of uncommitted changes
VB-149677Selecting objects is much slower in Vectorworks 2018 than in 2016
VB-149678Import Revit File with Create Native Objects checked Crashes Vectorworks 2018
VB-149713Custom Fields for Title Block Links do not Work Consistently
VB-149720Projekt Sharing: Vectorworks show warning dialog when choose the path of the project file
VB-149752Roof Plan to 3D View Crashes
VB-149774The script for showing other objects in editing modes doesn't work in 3D views.
VB-149796User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Nested Symbol Inside Page-Based Symbol
VB-149803User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Symbol Instances With Multi-View Enabled and a Sheet Layer Visible
VB-149822Navigation palette flickers a long time when you duplicate design\sheet layers(Win only)
VB-149955User Origin Shifts when creating a section line viewport on a design layer viewport with multiview enabled and rotated plan
VB-149989User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Page-Based Symbol With Multi-View Enabled and Rotated Plan Active
VB-149990User Origin Shifts When Editing Rotated Page-Based Symbol Instances With Multi-View Enabled and a Sheet Layer Visible
VB-149998User Origin Shifts When Placing Objects in Rotated Plan With Multi-View Active
VB-150005Section Viewport incorrect after changing section style class in Organization dialog
VB-150019Wrong message on Revit Import
VB-150031Revit Import issues. Unable to import 2016 Revit file.
VB-150191MAC: No Check Out Dialog if moving objects
VB-150201Three Project Sharing Problems: No "CheckOut" question, No changes to commit and Not in Sync
VB-150255Switching a Database Row to a Spreadsheet Causes Hang on Mac
VB-150287All classes and stories disappearing
VB-150324Project Sharing - Objects Can't Be Drawn Immediately After Checkout/Release Command
VB-150490Problems Downloading Some Libraries in the Spanish Version of 2018
VB-150572ProjectSharing: Can move object without check them out and async with project file
VB-150657Crash when importing a tree survey file
VB-150804Elevation Benchmark Text Width
VB-150933Canceling the Create Helix-Spiral Command causes the OIP and Undo to Break
About Vectorworks 2018. This release is the first in the 2018 worldwide rollout, which will include the release of ten additional localized-language versions.

Another theme for this launch was the integration of analysis and design. With the addition of Braceworks to the entertainment portfolio that already includes the industry-leading Spotlight and Vision software, entertainment professionals can complete their entire workflow, from design to documentation to production, in one interface. Also, customers will notice the simplification of Vectorworks worksheet capabilities, which makes it easier for them to create custom reports from model or drawing data.

Some of the highly anticipated additions for Vectorworks 2018 include:

- Multiple drawing views: Use multiple views of a project simultaneously, and begin work in one view pane and finish it in another. Switch effortlessly between viewports, views and visibility settings - simply set up panes and view them all at once. Instantly gauge the impact of a design change across 3D, plan, section and elevation views, and even start a rendering in one view while working in another.
- Direct section and elevation editing: Edit models directly from viewports: add openings, align and distribute windows, reposition doors across multiple layers, reshape walls - it's all possible. Change the 3D views while in the section to see how edits simultaneously affect plans and model views. And, create better-looking, more-accurate drawings in a fraction of the time.
For architecture, notable improvements include:
- Improved graphic output for architectural documents: Generate documentation from a BIM file much more efficiently. Improved graphic controls within section views of wall joins and wall, or slab and roof components provides the flexibility to quickly achieve high-quality documentation from a 3D model.
- Robust wall modeling options: Control individual component heights by instance, attach information to them, insert component caps and simultaneously edit multiple selected components from an easy-to-use dialog box. Plus, swiftly make wall graphic display changes with the new ability to switch all attributes by class.
- Easier title block customization: Customize items such as variables and orientation, choose from an unlimited set of information to include in a title block, and use styles to more simply manage many title blocks across one or multiple projects.
- Streamlined drawing distribution: Publish drawings based on issue date and a tightly integrated new title block object; generate and distribute drawing sets, issue information and reports throughout the duration of a project; and automate the typically laborious process of creating a BIM project or lighting a stage
Enhancements for entertainment design include:
- New zoom option for video and blended screens: It's now easier than ever to manage the planning and visualization of video screens in designs. With new graphic output capabilities, more accurately understand, estimate and adjust available throw and zoom, to enable final equipment choices earlier in the design process.
- Enhanced seating section: Choose from additional layout methods, multiple seat numbering options and graphic controls to easily set and modify seating sections from the Object Info palette. Generate more precise seating layout visualizations for an event and automate seating schedules for inventory and ordering.
For landscape design, important updates include:
>Direct site model contour editing: Edit a site model easier than ever with improved site model settings and direct 2D contour editing. Modify each contour line as easily as editing a polyline.
- New import/export tree survey options: Generate existing site conditions from GIS and tree survey data without the need for external tools. Just use geolocated tree species data to create existing tree objects and export back to clients via Shapefile (SHP), TXT and DXF formats.

As in past years, many updates to the software directly correlated with customer feedback. Designers with early access have already begun to share their thoughts on the new edition.

About Vectorworks, Inc. Vectorworks, Inc. is a global design and BIM software developer serving over 650,000 professionals in the architecture, landscape and entertainment industries. Since 1985, we've been committed to helping designers capture inspiration, nurture innovation, communicate effectively and bring their visions to life. With our cross-platform software, designers can build data-rich, visual models without sacrificing the design process, while collaborating efficiently throughout the project life-cycle. Headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, with offices in Atlanta, Georgia and Newbury, England, Vectorworks is a part of the Nemetschek Group.

Product: Vectorworks
Version: 2018 SP4 Update
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Software Prerequisites: Vectorworks 2018 and above
Size: 2.5 Gb


Kod: 2018 SP4 Update.part1.rar 2018 SP4 Update.part2.rar 2018 SP4 Update.part3.rar