Our Factory
The company to provide customers professional cold bending forming machine, cold bending steel equipm-ent product design and project cost analysis, design of roll, meterCalculate, molding process simulation, cu-stom all kinds of precision rolling equipment, as well as a variety of cold bending machine profile.
Our Product
The mainproducts are cable tray forming machine ,Marinebuilding, fire damper molding machine, molding machine t-oo can sunshine v stent (U) forming machine, highway guardrail Plate forming machine, C, Z purline mould-ing machine, large supermarket shelves forming machine, steel silo and pillar molding machine series, suchas high precision cold bending forming Production line, and can according to user requirements, design and manufacture all kinds of complicated non-standard high-speed cold bending unit
Production Market
At present, the compan-y's sales network covers southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, eastChina Fire Damper Roll Forming Machine